“Writing can only fulfil its function if it conveys the idea as faithfully as the precise, smart spoken word. One of the securities for the unambiguity of written statement of thoughts is perfect spelling.” - Gyula Szemere Upon the request of the client, we proofread the professional texts translated into a foreign language, i.e. we control it from the aspect of spelling and/or proficiency, respectively, we perform a stylistic control of it. Thus, the translation gains a uniform structure, style and language. After proofreading, our client receives the proofread document with the potential corrections.
Proofreading in a foreign language requires the highest level of language skills.
One of the most popular examples is the proofreading of the foreign language version of an already translated website. It was translated by a friend or a close relative - let’s say, quite well - but he did some mistakes in the proper use of some terms, committed some spelling mistakes and in some places formulated his thoughts in a quite interesting way - from a foreigner’s point of view. Our job is to ensure that your website in English / German / French, .... (and another 30 different languages) can provide a sense of convenience to the foreign visitors as its Hungarian version to your Hungarian visitors!
If you would like to have your public interfaces, translated to foreign language (website, catalogues, presentation materials) proofread by a specialist, you only have to request a quote from us for our proofreading service!